Irish Blessing Giveaway

With St. Patty’s Day right around the corner, what better time to give away a lovely Irish Blessing?  This clever quote collage is designed & hand crafted in right in Royal Oak, Michigan by a.i. paper design. They are called ransom quotes because the “quote” is written with a variety of elements, including dictionary definitions, silk & organdy ribbon, rubber stamps, glass stones, word clippings, brass findings, game pieces, buttons & more.

So how can you get this Irish Blessing ransom quote for free? ($85.50 value)

We’ll draw a lucky firefly fan’s name on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 and the winner will be listed on this post.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!

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81 thoughts on “Irish Blessing Giveaway

  1. Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. –Bil Keane

  2. Kinda long, but I have it on my email signature – I LOVE IT! Found it on a box of note cards, no author is listed:
    live with intention.
    walk to the edge.
    listen hard.
    practice wellness.
    play with abandon.
    choose with no regret.
    continue to learn.
    appreciate your friends.
    do what you love.
    live as if this is all there is.

  3. My FAVORITE Quote of all time is: “I’d rather have 15 minutes of Wonderful than a Life Time of Nothing Special!” The older I get the more it means to me, and the more the meaning has changed to me. Thanks,

  4. live with intention.
    walk to the edge.
    listen hard.
    practice wellness.
    play with abandon.
    choose with no regret.
    continue to learn.
    appreciate your friends.
    do what you love.
    live as if this is all there is.

  5. My favorite quote comes from a gift I got for my birthday from another AI art piece that I love! “Write it down on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” Emerson

  6. Winston Churchill is believed to have once said that “there is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of man.” In this sense, he meant both genders. After owning horses for more than 30 years, I can attest to the truthfulness of his observation as I have learned that the more I know about men, the more I love my horse!

  7. I LOVE quotes, this is my favorite one as of late:

    “To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.”
    –Elbert Hubbard, American writer, artist and philosopher

  8. “…
    it is not how much you earn or how good you look.
    It’s in every small act of kindness
    you share with someone else.
    That is how you live on.”

  9. For St. Patrick’s Day – “Irish Diplomacy: the ability to tell a man to go to hell so that he will look forward to the trip.” :)

  10. If you want to see me drop in anytime. If you want to see my house, let me know you are coming, and I will clean it for you.

  11. A Celtic Prayer
    May God give you
    For every storm, a rainbow,
    For every tear, a smile
    For every care, a promise
    And a blessing in each trial.
    For every problem life sends
    A faithful friend to share
    For every sigh, a sweet song,
    And an answer in each prayer

    Thank you catching fireflies for your awesome giveaways and your lovely store I make my way to often.

  12. “Courage does not always roar, sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, “I will try again tomorrow.”‘ Unknown

  13. I love this quote by Maya Angelou—we share a birthday :)
    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

  14. I tweeted and Facebooked this. I really do love a.i. paper design’s “ransom quotes.” I have a couple already and they make great gift, too.

  15. May the blessing of God’s soft rain be on you,
    Falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul
    With the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming.
    May the strength of the winds of Heaven bless you,
    Carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean
    Sparkling after in the sunlight.
    May the blessing of God’s earth be on you,
    And as you walk the roads,
    May you always have a kind word
    for those you meet.

  16. The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. – Buddha

    I also posted on Facebook.

  17. Wishing you lots of Irish luck
    And joy in whatever life sends
    Liking you always because you are you
    And happy because we are friends!

    (old Irish Toast)

  18. To keep with the Irish theme: “As you slide down the banister of life. May the splinters never point in the wrong direction.”

  19. “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  20. Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.

    I love this quote… it’s so true!

  21. “May the road rise to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    and the rain fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

    One of my favs!

  22. I’m very proud of my Irish heritage and my favorite saying is of Irish origin: May you be in Heaven a full half hour before the devil knows you’re dead.

  23. Put the link on my FB wall! Here’s a favorite quote: “Friends are the family one picks up along the way.”

  24. May sound silly, but……….Sean Connery, from “Hunt for Red October”……….”Some things don’t react well to bullets.” Reminds me to choose my words wisely. You can either arm another person in an argument or disarm them, all depends on which words you choose when talking to someone and MOST people, do not react well to darts thrown at them, know what I mean, so be NICE!

  25. “We are not put on this earth to see through one another. We are put on this earth to see one another through.” -Gloria Vanderbilt

  26. “My experience is that there is, you know, surprisingly, always hope.” – The Doctor (from the “Vincent and The Doctor” episode)

  27. If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples, then you and I still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas – George Bernard Shaw

  28. May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  29. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The wind will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir

  30. i love all the quotes…

    here is one Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm whoo hoo!!

    thanks for an opportunity to WIN.


  31. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
    The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

  32. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ~ Dr. Seusse

  33. “20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did…”-Mark Twain

  34. “That which does not kill me makes stronger” is one saying that was my mantra when I was in bed for 3 months at the end of my third pregnancy.

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